Manga Review | Sweat and Soap by Kintetsu Yamada

Title: Sweat and Soap

Asako works at a toiletry manufacturing company in the finance department, which is convenient since she struggles with something that makes life pretty tricky: sweat. Asako sweats much more than average, so she has to be extra hygienic to avoid smelling out in public. Even with her above-average hygiene habits, though, Asako still finds herself stressing over her smell. As a child, she was relentlessly bullied for sweating, and that trauma has carried over into her adulthood. So, her days are spent in constant anxiety and fear over getting too close to those around her and becoming the laughingstock of her peers due to her hygiene.

Her fears come to a head when the lead product developer Kotaro Natori at work approaches her in the lobby because of her smell. He has an unnaturally strong sense of smell because he develops the soaps their company produces, and Asako’s scent is particularly strong to him. However, he doesn’t dislike her smell at all. Instead, he is inspired by it, and he desperately needs Asako’s odor to inspire him for the upcoming Winter line of soaps he is preparing to present. Though Asako wants to do anything but let Kotaro smell her all day, for the company’s sake, she agrees to let Kotaro smell her at the daily. It’s not long, though, before Kotaro is drawn to Asako for more than just her smell, and even Asako is beginning to enjoy these sniff sessions a bit more than she expected.

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Manhwa Review | You Jin by Fujoking

Title: You Jin

You Jin isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but even he finds it a bit weird when his female childhood friend Lee Sejin turns up on his doorstep, claiming to have contracted a potentially fatal disease with the convenient side effect of switching his gender. Sejin has been living his life as a man since the change but has run into some trouble with his gaggle of girlfriends. So he begs Jin to take him in until he can figure out what to do with his life moving forward. Of course, Jin is suspicious but lets Sejin stay with him all the same.

Once Sejin establishes himself in Jin’s life, he asks him for one more favor: help him grant his last wish. Naturally, Jin isn’t unwilling to help until Sejin tries to kiss him. As it turns out, Sejin’s last wish is a bit more than Jin realized. How far is Jin willing to go to help a childhood friend, if that even is who this person actually is?

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Manhwa Review | Sign by Ker

Title: Sign

Kang Soohwa’s life isn’t all that great right now. He has almost no money left in his bank account, his laptop is broken, and he doesn’t have a job. So, to better his situation, he goes out on the hunt for a job, trying to find someone with free WiFi so he can apply to jobs on his phone. The moment he does find a connection, though, he is hosed down by a strange man on the balcony of a cafe. Absolutely shocked by his terrible luck, he passes out.

When he wakes up, he’s in the cafe, and the strange man is looking over him with an equally odd little man beside him. It turns out they are workers at Cafe Goyo – Yohan is the owner who sprayed Soohwa down, and Gyoon is an employee helping out. As retribution for being assaulted with a water hose, Soohwa begs for a part-time job at the cafe. At first, Gyoon refuses, but after some desperate persuasion from Soohwa and some pitying tears from Yohan, Gyoon relents.

On his first day, Soohwa tries to communicate with Yohan only to discover that Yohan is deaf. However, that isn’t the only thing Soohwa learns. It turns out that Soohwa is attracted to Yohan’s voice, which, of course, makes working together incredibly awkward. So, to avoid more embarrassing scenarios, Soohwa makes it a point to learn sign language, but he has to learn from Yohan. So Soohwa must do his best to learn sign language from Yohan without ever hearing his voice. Easier said than done. What would Yohan think if he found out about Soohwa’s weird fetish?

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Manhwa Review | I’m the Soldier’s Ex-Girlfriend by Ji Hyun

Title: I'm the Soldier's Ex-Girlfriend

Maise Hazelnut is supposed to be the saintly of the harem novel The Soldier’s Girlfriend. But, unfortunately, the current Maise is not that saintess character. Instead, she is a girl from the 21st century who has reincarnated into the world of her favorite novel! But she’s not just any character – she is the saintess! She initially enjoys the adventure and her cute, soon-to-be-soldier boyfriend, Sucre. However, it doesn’t take long before all of it gets old, especially when Maise is often getting kidnapped so Sucre’s enemies can threaten him. While he is off gallivanting on various male protagonist adventures, he is also flirting with all the beautiful women of the novel.

Fed up with the plot, Maise decides to live her life her way. The first step to do that is breaking up with Sucre, and while he doesn’t take it well, Maise holds firm. So, newly single and living her best, peaceful life, Maise goes out to look for her true love. In her pursuit, she is set up with the mysterious Eith Lancell. He’s handsome, considerate, and everything that Sucre wasn’t, which is just what our independent female protagonist is looking for. Eith seems just a bit too perfect, and it isn’t long before Maise suspects there is more than what meets the eye with her devilishly handsome new beau.

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Manhwa Review | The Devil’s Temptation by Youn

Title: The Devil's Temptation

All Hyun of the owl tribe wants out of life is yummy food, comfy furniture, and never having to leave the house. But unfortunately, he has to work to survive. To keep up with his corporate job, he has to attend the holiday party at the end of the year. What makes it worse is his archnemesis from the snake tribe, Ivan, is there and makes it a point to tease Hyun as much as he can. To survive the night, Hyun drinks himself into a tizzy, only to embarrass himself in front of the director of the company and his crush from the snake tribe, Alek. Thankfully, Hyun doesn’t have to suffer the party for too long as he passes out.

When he wakes up, not only is he in bed with Ivan, but he has a weird mark on his neck. This is an imprint specific to the snake tribe that binds the marker to the marked so that the marked craves physical intimacy with their marker. It’s okay, though, because there is a cure, but it could take months to develop, and in the meantime, Hyun could experience flu-like symptoms… or possibly go blind if he doesn’t get enough pheromones from Ivan. The worst part, though, is that the mark also attracts other members of the snake tribe and him to them, so he has to juggle intimacy with his enemy Ivan and try to keep from pouncing on his crush and boss Alek, too.

Can an owl like Hyun survive in the snake pit? And even if Hyun does survive, what does this new level of intimacy mean for his relationship with Ivan and Alek? Do they only like him for the mark, or is there something more?

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Manhwa Review | Make Me Bark by Sagold

Title: Make Me Bark

Sungjoon’s life is finally coming together. After toiling away and saving every penny, he finally has enough for a deposit on a new apartment. “New” is a generous word to describe the rundown facilities, but Sungjoon worked hard for it, so it’s good enough for him. However, all his luck soon turns for the worst when he finds that his apartment caught fire on his way home from work. With no money to his name and no home to go to, Sungjoon is at the end of his rope. Out of desperation, he goes through his phone to see if there is anyone who could possibly help him.

As much as he doesn’t want to, he calls Hyo-in, a classmate from and now in . He doesn’t know him well, but he does know one thing: this guy is filthy rich. Surely he can help Sungjoon. As expected, Hyo-in has no problem helping out, but he does have one request. In exchange for a place to stay and for pay, Hyo-in wants Sungjoon to be his puppy. It is an odd request, but all Sungjoon has to do is wear a collar, go on walks, and greet Hyo-in when he gets home. Surely Sungjoon can handle that. Right?

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Manhwa Review | Seven Days of Lust by Fujoking, Hato, Hoben, Lee Aru, MEL, Pyoryu

Title: Seven Days of Lust

This is an series with six stories, all based in the omegaverse. There are supposed to be seven, which explains the title, but I cannot find a legal way to read the missing story; as a result, only the 6 available on Lezhin Comics will be reviewed. If a legal avenue becomes available with the missing story, I will add it to this review. The following are the stories in this anthology, with a short description of each:

Beta Test by

Two betas experiment with a new drug that can make someone an alpha or omega. The results end up being much more than either of them expected.

Love is Love by

A supposed beta has a crush on an alpha. The alpha’s cousin has a crush on the beta. With the beta stuck in the middle, who will he choose? Or will he even have to?

Melting Point by

An omega professor hasn’t gone into heat for months. After seeing the doctor and receiving some intimate tools to fix this problem, an alpha student finds it and decides to help the professor himself.

Sleepless Nights by

An alpha is mistaken as an omega in a beta school when a rumor goes around that an omega has transferred in. Then, many years later, the alpha meets the omega, which turns out to be one of the people who hung out with the bullies. This time, though, the turf has changed. The alpha is the omega’s boss, and it is time for some revenge.

Mutual Enemy by

A recessive alpha and a dominant alpha butt heads, but when the recessive alpha is drugged by an omega that has a crush on him, the dominant alpha is there to lend a hand.

Clinical Matters of the Heart by

A dominant alpha signs up to test a new medication that can turn alphas into omegas to earn $500. Unfortunately, the test requires him to go into heat with some alphas around. What could go wrong?

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Manhwa Review | Pleasure Principle by Rotten Green T

Title: Pleasure Principle

Jiho is broke and accident-prone, which is not a great combination. So, to resolve his financial issues, Jiho goes on the hunt for a job online when he discovers a listing that seems too good to be true. However, no matter how questionable the listing, Jiho can’t be too picky. So, he calls and secures an interview. Unfortunately, what he finds when he arrives is not your typical shop. Instead, it is an adult shop.

Jiho immediately regrets his decision, but before he can leave, the shop’s manager pulls him into the interview. She asks a few personal and inappropriate questions, which freaks Jiho out enough that as he rushes to leave, he ends up knocking over a bunch of merchandise, totaling a hefty sum in damages. With no other choice, Jiho agrees to work there to pay off his new debt. Thankfully, though, the job pays well, and Jiho even finds himself enjoying the job.

That is until one day, after work, he bumps into a VIP customer, causing the customer to drop his phone in the street. Unfortunately, the phone is promptly run over by a passing motorist. This immediately indebts Jiho to this mysterious VIP customer. Thankfully, the customer is willing to forgo a monetary repayment and instead just wants to receive “special service” when he comes to the shop. Well, what luck! Surely that can’t be too difficult for innocent Jiho to handle… right?

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Manga Review | Rosario+Vampire by Akihisa Ikeda

Title: Rosario+Vampire

Tsukune Aono is as average as they come. However, as average as he is, his poor grades make it, so he cannot attend any of the local high schools. Thankfully, though, he receives an acceptance from the mysterious school aptly named Yokai Academy. On the surface, it seems to be an oddly decorated school campus. However, Tsukune quickly realizes that he should have never come to this school because it is not for average humans like him. Instead, it is a school specifically for creatures like , werewolves, succubi, and ghouls – all creatures that seem to have an ingrained hatred for humans.

Thankfully, though, as Tsukune comes to terms with his risky predicament, he meets vampire Moka. Not only is she cute, but she is sweet, too, and she finds herself inexplicably drawn to Tsukune’s blood. However, much like Yokai Academy, not everything is as it seems. When Tsukune removes the rosary around Moka’s neck, she transforms from her bubbly pink-haired, green-eyed self to a silver-hair, red eyes badass with the ability to kick ass as a full-blooded vampire. Tsukune should not like Moka, but even with her split personality and her want to suck him dry, he can’t help but be drawn to her and resolves to stay at Yokai Academy to stay by Moka’s side.

Of course, this scenario couldn’t be that simple. Moka isn’t the only one drawn to Tsukune, romantically or otherwise. All manner of things that go bump in the night ends up being drawn to Tsukune, and he must somehow survive each encounter with Moka at his side.

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Manhwa Review | Love is an Illusion! by Fargo

Title: Love is an Illusion!

Hye-sung is an alpha. Er, or at least he thinks he is an alpha. However, that belief quickly goes down the drain while Hye-sung is working at a party and runs into the dominant alpha and musician, Dojin. After being exposed to Dojin’s pheromones, Hye-sung goes into heat. Dojin tries to take care of Hye-sung and save him from himself as the newly awakened omega tries to throw himself on a few alphas. Dojin whisks Hye-sung away to a hotel where Hye-sung rants and raves that there is no way he could be an omega. Finally, Dojin, flustered by Hye-sung’s pheromones and frustrated by Hye-sung’s delusional beliefs, proves to Hye-sung that he is indeed an omega… physically.

After the dirty deed, Dojin realizes that he actually enjoyed it even though he supposedly hates omegas because of the notion that omegas and alphas have to be together. Even more distressing is that Dojin follows up their encounter by writing a song that his peers say is his best work yet. Believing it is just a coincidence, he runs into Hye-sung again, and they have another steamy encounter that not only results in another great song but something neither of them expects: a baby.

Hye-sung wants to get rid of the baby while Dojin intends to keep it, but more importantly, he now desperately wants to hang on to Hye-sung. They make a deal together where Dojin will pay Hye-sung to carry the baby to term, and Dojin will assume full parental responsibilities. Hye-sung will finally be financially comfortable, and he won’t have to be a mother. Still, Dojin plans on doing anything he can to talk Hye-sung into raising their baby together. The problem is he only has the span of Hye-sung’s to do it.

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