Manhwa Review | @puppy_love by Hamnya

Title: @puppy_love

Seoyun is an online influencer. After a picture of him went viral and was passed around his school, Seoyun had to quit school, leave his family, and go into hiding on his own. Thankfully, with the image going viral, he was able to rebound into an online career under the moniker Mr. Puppy. With his whole world revolving around the internet, Mr. Puppy doesn’t have to leave his home for much, which he is fine with. Yet, as the days go on, Mr. Puppy’s loneliness also grows.

Mr. Puppy isn’t lonely for long, though. One day, he receives an inappropriate DM from a medical student named Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo likes cute things, and Mr. Puppy fits the bill. Yeonwoo also fits Mr. Puppy’s preferences, and they start an online relationship with Yeonwoo as a master and Mr. Puppy as his pet. While this satisfies for a time, it isn’t long before they crave more. Can their relationship survive the transition from an online fling to a physical one? And can love grow from a master-pet relationship?

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Manhwa Review | Alien in My Wardrobe by BINGO

Title: Alien in My Wardrobe

Haesung Park is your average corporate professional. He goes to work, works hard, goes home, and goes to sleep, a regular routine for an average guy… at least, it would be if Haesung didn’t also spend his days fantasizing about his sunbae at work, Shiwon. Shiwon is kind and reliable and one of the reasons Haesung can do his best at work. However, in Haesung’s fantasies, Shiwon is dominant and cruel, which is exactly what Haesung wants. Haesung is secretly into , so he tries not to get close to anyone. Who could ever accept someone with such weird tastes?

Never fear. The heavens answer him with a man who conveniently crashes onto Haesung’s balcony. He’s tall, dark, and handsome, not to mention a jerk, which aligns perfectly with Haesung’s BDSM fantasies. However, he isn’t just any man. He is an alien from a species whose ultimate goal is to overtake humanity and eventually the Earth because their planet is dying. While Lotus, the alien, doesn’t intend to make Haesung his main research subject, Haesung mistakenly links up to Lotus’s research.

Beggars can’t be choosers, though, so Lotus is just fine with using Haesung as his research subject. Haesung, however, is not as gungho with the situation. So, Haesung strikes a deal: Lotus can stay with him and research to his heart’s content… if Lotus will help him fulfill his BDSM fantasies. Much to Haesung’s surprise, Lotus accepts. So begins the odd partnership between an alien and a human. What could go wrong?

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Manhwa Review | Love on My Terms by GYEUL

Title: Love on My Terms

Mogyum is a former child star trying to make a comeback as an adult. However, the unfortunate accident that led him to drop out of the limelight haunts him, hindering his acting. However, what makes acting that much harder is Mogyum’s co-star, Chamin, who seems oddly fixated on Mogyum. Chamin is an established A-lister who acted with Mogyum when they were kids on the same set where the traumatic accident occurred. What Mogyum doesn’t know about Chamin is that Chamin can read minds, which is part of the reason he has become such a great actor.

However, Chamin is so drawn to Mogyum in the first place because Mogyum is the only person whose thoughts Chamin can’t read. So, to learn why and to better their chemistry on screen, Chamin offers Mogyum a contract. A dating contract, which would allow Chamin and Mogyum to intimately act out their scenes together as if they were actually dating while the two live together at Chamin’s house. While Mogyum is hesitant at first, learning more about acting from an A-lister like Chamin is too good an opportunity to pass up.

Things start to get a little too real, though, and soon, the lines between characters and reality begin to blur. While Mogyum and Chamin are sorting out their feelings, the mystery of Mogyum’s accident looms in the background, threatening to destroy everything for them once more.

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Manhwa Review | Oh! My Assistant by MILA

Title: Oh! My Assistant

Seonho is a talented adult webtoon artist. Unfortunately, though, he cannot get it up because he spends all of his time drawing naked people. If this isn’t distressing enough, he finds himself overwhelmed by all the deadlines and work associated with the life of a webtoon artist. To alleviate at least one of his problems, he hires an assistant named Muyeong. Not only is this guy astute, talented, and makes work more manageable, but he unexpectedly fixes another of Seonho’s problems. Muyeong turns Seonho on!

Unfortunately, it seems Muyeong is the only thing that turns on Seonho. Still, Seonho can’t approach him because Muyeong made it clear in his interview that he is not interested in forging any personal or intimate relationships at work. That boundary doesn’t seem to hold up, though, when one evening, after drinking together, Muyeong and Seonho end up kissing. Naturally, Seonho counts this as a win, but it’s a big surprise when Muyeong brushes it off as if nothing happened. What’s worse, though, is that Muyeong already has a boyfriend! So what did their kiss mean?

Seonho wants Muyeong, but he also doesn’t want to lose his amazing assistant. So, can the two find the balance and become more than just ? Or will Seonho’s pushing ultimately push Muyeong away as both his assistant and potential partner?

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Manhua Review | Bug Boy Boyfriend by Tu Jie Zi

Title: Bug Boy Boyfriend (Tapas) | SOS! My Love Has A Bug (Comikey)

Xiao Fan is your average student… or at least she wishes she was. In actuality, she is the daughter of a venomage – a shaman who uses nature and the venom of animals for various experiments. Though Xiao comes from a line of powerful venomagi, Xiao herself couldn’t care less about it and would rather pretend like it didn’t exist. This is primarily due to the stigma around venomagi. They are discriminated against and generally hated by the general population, which is why Xiao does everything in her power to hide the fact that her mother is one.

Unfortunately, this becomes much more complicated once Xiao’s mother creates a human-type venomal – a living creature made up of venom, animals, or other natural properties. This venomal is a moth-boy who goes by Yamu. As a recently manufactured bug-human hybrid, Yamu is prone to causing trouble whether he tries to or not. While Xiao is vehemently against his very existence, Yamu is inexplicably drawn to her like a moth to a flame.

As much as she doesn’t want to, Xiao grows attached to Yamu, and they quickly form a bond. However, because Yamu is a rare hybrid venomal, he quickly draws the attention of many other dangerous venomagic practitioners who want his power for their own venomals. Yamu isn’t the only one in danger, though. As it turns out, Xiao, though she never wanted anything to do with venomagic, is destined to a fate that could force her away from everything she loves.

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Manhwa Review | Pleasure Principle by Rotten Green T

Title: Pleasure Principle

Jiho is broke and accident-prone, which is not a great combination. So, to resolve his financial issues, Jiho goes on the hunt for a job online when he discovers a listing that seems too good to be true. However, no matter how questionable the listing, Jiho can’t be too picky. So, he calls and secures an interview. Unfortunately, what he finds when he arrives is not your typical shop. Instead, it is an adult shop.

Jiho immediately regrets his decision, but before he can leave, the shop’s manager pulls him into the interview. She asks a few personal and inappropriate questions, which freaks Jiho out enough that as he rushes to leave, he ends up knocking over a bunch of merchandise, totaling a hefty sum in damages. With no other choice, Jiho agrees to work there to pay off his new debt. Thankfully, though, the job pays well, and Jiho even finds himself enjoying the job.

That is until one day, after work, he bumps into a VIP customer, causing the customer to drop his phone in the street. Unfortunately, the phone is promptly run over by a passing motorist. This immediately indebts Jiho to this mysterious VIP customer. Thankfully, the customer is willing to forgo a monetary repayment and instead just wants to receive “special service” when he comes to the shop. Well, what luck! Surely that can’t be too difficult for innocent Jiho to handle… right?

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Manhua Review | Kitty Boy by Yi Wan Zhou

Title: Kitty Boy

Eva Qiao is a senior in . To finish out her final year, she moves into the first floor of a home near the campus. Upon moving in, she discovers something inhabiting the basement. To her surprise, it turns out to be a man, but not just any man. It is a man with cat ears, fangs, claws, and a cat tail, and he is desperately searching for his master.

Eva initially wants nothing to do with the mysterious cat man, who refers to himself as 51 and plans to throw him out. However, memories of her time in a science institution where she encountered a young boy like the cat-man soften her heart, and she decides to adopt him, dubbing him Rusty Qiao. Rusty and Eva now must navigate the world together as Eva does her best to live an ordinary life when she is anything but ordinary, while Rusty longs for nothing more to grow closer to his new master.

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Manhwa Review | This Villainess Wants a Divorce! by AhBin

Title: This Villainess Wants a Divorce!

This is a good old story. A young Korean woman is reincarnated into a novel, and the person she has taken over happens to be the villainess of the story, Carnelia Easter. She just so happens to reincarnate right after her marriage to the crown prince, Caesar. If the original novel were to play out as it should, she would marry the male lead Caesar under the direction of the empress in an attempt to weaken Caesar’s claim to the throne in favor of her own son. Caesar would eventually go off to war, return a hero, proving that he is worthy of the throne, and fall in love with the female lead Gracie Lancaster, who Carnelia tries to get rid of only to cause her own execution, resulting in Caesar being free to marry Gracie and to take over as emperor.

Not willing to set herself up to die this time around, she makes a concerted effort to help Caesar thwart his stepmother’s plans as well as grow closer to Caesar. She does her best to ensure Caesar still achieves all of his goals while she cheers him on from the side in hopes he will grant her an amicable divorce so she can live out the remainder of her days in peace. Unfortunately, not everything goes to plan as Gracie and Caesar don’t seem interested in each other, and Carnelia herself begins to fall in love with the prince instead. As a result, the story starts to change. Will Carnelia be able to keep herself alive in this unpredictable story, or is she destined to die no matter what?

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Manhwa Review | Beware the Villainess! by Berry

Title: Beware the Villainess!

Melissa Foddebrat is the villainess of the novel All the Men That Loved Her, but the Melissa we are following is not the actual Melissa from the story. Instead, she is a Korean woman who has somehow reincarnated into this novel. Having read the story herself and knowing that her fate is to suffer and die, Melissa is determined to defy the world she has been thrust into and forge her own path.

In doing so, she rescues the female lead from her own fate at the hands of the men who vie for her attention, earns the trust of her family and employees, and even befriends and gains the admiration of an abandoned werewolf. All the while, though, the main plot of the novel continues. Will Melissa actually be able to defeat fate? Or is she destined to fall?

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