Manga Review | Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King! by Kumagoroshi

Title: Delinquent Omega Belongs to the Beast King!

Rintaro is a delinquent in a city that is steadily being overrun by crime. He has a unique sense of justice, trying to clean up his home even while being on the wrong side of the tracks himself. While fighting off some muggers going after a fortune teller, Rintaro picks up a strange mirror reflecting the image of a kingdom he's never seen before. Just as he's about to ask the fortune teller what he's seeing, the mirror sucks him inside, transporting him to the very fantasy land that it depicted.

Once there, he's faced with a scenario not all that different from the one he left behind. A man is bound and being robbed while two criminals shake him down for all he's worth. Rintaro isn't going to just let this slide, so he does what he always does: dispensing justice with his fists. He has no problem doing so until his body suddenly revolts against him. As it turns out, in this new world, there are different genders: alphas and omegas, and Rintaro happens to be an omega. Before the criminals take him, the man bound on the ground frees himself and picks up where Rintaro left off, saving Rintaro.

Rintaro is beyond thankful for the man, but it's hard to be thankful for long when Varuna, the man in question, turns out to be the lord of the land, and he believes Rintaro is his fated mate. Rintaro's new body is all too happy to go along with Varuna's stimulation, but Rintaro's mind isn't ready to accept it just yet. Can Rintaro learn to accept his new role in this world, or will he run away to try and forge a new path?

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Manhwa Review | No Love Zone by Danbi

Title: No Love Zone

Eunkyum is a newbie at his company. He's been there a year, but his level of responsibility is still pretty low, much to his dismay. While he pines for better opportunities at work, he also longs for better in his love life. Unfortunately, his relationship history has been fraught with shitty men. His current partner is no different, always asking him for money and ignoring him most of the time. Still, Eunkyum will take what he can get… until he sees his beau out in the streets with a wife and child in tow.

Eunkyum is heartbroken. At least work isn't so bad… until he meets his new manager Jihyuk. Jihyuk is exactly Eunkyum's type, tall, dark, and handsome. Too bad he seems to have it out for Eunkyum, tossing all of the scut work onto his plate and criticizing every little thing he turns in. So his love life is in shambles, and his professional life isn't going so hot either. Can Eunkyum catch a break? And will he figure out why Jihyuk is trying so hard to put him down?

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Manga Review | A Stomachful of Secret Delights by Tsutako Tsurusawa

Title: A Stomachful of Secret Delights

This is the sequel to Saving My Favorite For Last.

Melo suffers from intense anxiety. His anxiety is so strong that he suffers from chronic hematuria, which puts his health on a major decline. The reason for his anxiety? It could be anything, but the main culprit is his lover, Noris. They'd been together for as long as Melo could remember, having been since their families were close. From the moment Melo saw Noris eat his food with a smile on his face, Melo made it his mission to marry Noris.

So far, so good, until Melo catches Noris smiling at his new coworker. Melo has never had competition before, having thoroughly monopolized all of Noris's affection for himself. Melo's anxiety has reached a fever pitch with a few new suitors hanging around. Not even his meds can stave away the stress anymore, and with the increased pressure, so follows the steep decline of his health. Will Melo be able to keep his one love to himself, or will he die before he even gets the chance?

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Manga Review | Saving My Favorite For Last by Tsutako Tsurusawa

Title: Saving My Favorite For Last

Humanity has evolved from cats. To expand their population, they have also developed the ability for all sexes to give birth, if they so choose, and can lure in potential mates with pheromones. Kazui is an expert in using his pheromones, as he spends every evening going out and trying to find someone to inseminate him. Why? Because he desperately wants children of his own that he can raise and love. He was abandoned as a child, and he has always longed for a genetic connection with someone.

No matter how many partners he tries with, his body won't get pregnant. Undeterred, he continues working extremely hard to scrape and save every dime he can to care for his future children. When the contracts for his jobs start to run out, he is offered a position as a manager for a model, which pays way better than many of his jobs combined. He jumps at the chance. On his first day, he meets some of the hottest purebred cats out there, and the particular model he is assigned to is the top Maine Coon model, Noah.

Kazui would love it if a purebred like Noah would help him get pregnant, as purebreds are guaranteed to inseminate their partners, but there's no way someone as sought after as Noah would go for a plain mixed breed like him… right?

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Manga Review | Baby, Sugar, Succubus by Sakana Tojo

Title: Baby, Sugar, Succubus

Arata has got a lot going for him. He's pretty attractive, a manager at a , and has no shortage of women to pick from. But, unfortunately, he has a large problem. His genitals are huge. Most men would be proud of this fact, and Arata once was in his younger years. However, as it turns out, his substantial piece isn't popular among his sexual partners. It's too big, doesn't fit, and hurts, with Arata being forced into a mostly celibate life.

While bemoaning his cursed fate of reborn virginity, he encounters what he initially thinks is a drunken student passed out in his café. However, while trying to rouse the young man, he grabs Arata and says he is hungry before passing out again. When the young man wakes up, Arata is there waiting with a plate of food. While the meal is delicious, the young man isn't hungry for food but for something else that Arata has plenty of.

And Arata is all too happy to give it.

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Manga Review | Beast’s Storm: Touch Me Baby! by Morry Kuroi

Title: Beast's Storm: Touch Me Baby!

With a set of twins and Shouta, Akira and Sougo's life is full of happiness and the joyous chaos this bustling family brings. One downside of their growing family is that it's much harder to have sexy time now with Shouta and the babies interrupting them at every turn. Sougo is all the more troubled by the fact that Akira is giving off postpartum pheromones, making him all the more alluring to both Sougo and every other Bestia around. Unfortunately, things are about to get a lot tougher when he has to return to work, and in the midst of it, he runs into none other than Sougo's half-brother. And Sougo's half-brother has Akira in his sights as a potential mother to his children.

On the other side are Doctor Kurosaki and Kirigaya. Even though Kirigaya is still a bristly spitfire with Doctor Kurosaki, the doctor isn't dissuaded from pursuing him in the least. It isn't until the other nurses mention how often Kirigaya made his way through earless lovers that Kirigaya begins to see the doctor differently. However, to the doctor's chagrin, it isn't as a potential lover but as a threat. Why is Kirigaya so jumpy around earless men? And can Doctor Kurosaki overcome Kirigaya's fears so he has a chance with him?

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Manga Review | Beast’s Storm: Hold Me Baby! by Morry Kuroi

Title: Beast's Storm: Hold Me Baby!

Akira's work/life balance is finally balancing out in his favor. With more time on his hands, he opts to go on vacation with Sougo and their baby Shouta. Everything is going great until Akira runs into his ex there, and she just so happens to be having her wedding abroad. Seeing her again reminds Akira of the days he hated being a Bestia. Thankfully, Sougo and Shouta are there to remind him why being Bestian isn't a bad thing at all. As a result of all the fun and comfort in Hawaii, Akira and Sougo successfully conceive their next child together, but this is much more complicated than with Shouta. Will they make it with more than one baby in the house?

Meanwhile, Soushi, Sougo's father, is trying to be a better grandfather and help care for Shouta. But, along the way, he runs into Yuu, his first love. As it turns out, Yuu is still single, but after so much heartache in their past and a life apart from each other after all this time, can they come back together for good? Or has Soushi's steadfast belief that Bestia should propagate and multiply endlessly scared Yuu away from him forever?

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Manga Review | Beast’s Storm: Hug Me Baby! by Morry Kuroi

Title: Beast's Storm: Hug Me Baby!

Dr. Akira Miyaji is a Bestia, a human with beast ears, a tail, and the ability for either gender to mate and give birth regardless of sex. Akira used to hate being a Bestia, but having met Sougo and given birth to his child, Akira has never been happier being a Bestia. Unfortunately, while his personal life is pure bliss, the pressures of his work life are slowly leeching into his happiness at home. Akira never imagined how difficult it would be to work and raise a family as one of the few Bestian at his .

The pressure only intensifies when his father-in-law, Sougo's father, pulls Akira aside and asks him, “Do you have any intention of leaving Sougo?” Of course, Akira has never considered such a thing, but Sougo's father does make a few good points as to why Akira should let Sougo go. Sougo is an ideal specimen. He should be able to spread his genes to as many Bestian as possible to keep the Bestian line at its best. But Akira just can't allow it because he wants Sougo all to himself.

Is he just selfish, or can Bestia be monogamous with each other, instincts be damned?

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Manhua Review | Modern Wizard Hunting Project by Luma

Title: Modern Wizard Hunting Project | The Modern Story of Majo

Ye Zhu is a wizard, though not by choice. and witches were created when certain individuals grew to hate their own kind, separated themselves from society, and made contracts with magical beasts. As a result, wizards and witches naturally exude bad luck on humans around them. Unfortunately, Ye Zhu really likes humans, and unlike his fellow witches and wizards, he tries to stay around humans and work a job alongside them.

Ye Zhu even went so far as to adopt and raise a human child he called QiQi. Unfortunately, QiQi eventually leaves him, and Ye Zhu spends the rest of his time alone… until a QiQi lookalike appears at his job. However, this lookalike is an adult man named Ye Shengqi. He's the new manager at work and seems to know Ye Zhu, but Ye Zhu has no clue who this man is. What's worse, this new manager has no sense of personal space, and Ye Zhu has to put in extra effort to make sure he doesn't catch any of the bad luck Ye Zhu lets out.

Can Ye Zhu save Ye Shengqi from himself? And who is this strange man who can't keep his hands off Ye Zhu?

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Manhwa Review | Addiction by JIRAC

Title: Addiction

Kim Ho is on the prowl. He may look like a human, but he is far from it. He is actually part of a species of foxes that once owned large swaths of territory that humans have since taken over. To survive, the foxes have integrated into human society in the areas they once ruled and go on the hunt for mates in clubs. Ho is doing his duty for his species by mating with someone in the club bathroom, but a wolf breaks down the stall door just before he can complete his mission.

As it turns out, wolves also used to own territory in this area and had to fight for the same territory as the foxes. The alpha wolf Han Sirang happens to be the one to come upon Ho in the throes of passion. As soon as he figures out what Ho is doing, Sirang, to gain the upper hand, takes a photo of Ho mid-coitus and threatens him with the image. Unable to do anything else, Ho goes along with Sirang's demands, primarily sexual in nature, all the while trying to figure out how to get rid of the image so he can be free of Sirang's influence.

But what started as a game for Sirang appears to be becoming something more.

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