Manhwa Review | From Points of Three by White Eared

Title: From Points of Three

Jisuh is in a lot of debt. Due to his last relationship, which ended in Jisuh having to bail out his cheating boyfriend from some thugs using all of his savings and loans, Jisuh has trouble trusting anyone. He is more than happy to form a physical relationship with someone, but if there’s even a chance he could get hurt, he’s quick to cut ties and run. This rule applies to the famous actor Woo Heejae.

Jisuh happens to meet Heejae on a set where Jisuh is filming, and Heejae is the lead actor. Heejae isn’t initially drawn to him as he’s pretty plain-looking, but then Jisuh calls Heejae a snake. Having never been perceived in such a way, Heejae is immediately attracted to Jisuh’s view of things. So, Heejae comes up with a plan to pull Jisuh into his grasp.

In exchange for helping pay off Jisuh’s debt, Heejae wants Jisuh to film him and his partner Sun-yool during their play. And while Jisuh’s role is a viewer, he imagines himself as a participant. What a surprise it is when Heejae reaches out to him and invites him to join them. It’s just a physical relationship. Nothing could go wrong, right?

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Manga Review | Metro by Chika Hongo

Title: Metro

Mizuki spends his days under the watchful and paranoid eyes of his mother. It was of no fault of his own that he is monitored so carefully, but it is instead due to his father’s infidelity. Because his father ended up having a scandalous affair and left both Mizuki and his mother behind, Mizuki’s mother now views everything sexual as evil. To prevent her son from following the same path as his father, she makes him write out every hour of his day, monitors the media he consumes, and controls every aspect of his life that she can so he never encounters anything she deems as immoral.

This causes Mizuki’s life to become rather hollow, especially since, due to an illness, he could not graduate high school and is forced to attend his final year again as somewhat of a social pariah among the strangers in his class. The only spark in his life is the few times he rides the metro. There, on the train, a faceless man assaults him. For someone else, this would be traumatic and horrific, and though it does scare Mizuki, he finds it thrilling and the only intimate connection he’s ever had with another person.

This happens nearly every day like clockwork, with the man touching Mizuki for a while only to disappear without a word, until one day, while touching Mizuki, the man tells Mizuki that if he gets off the train with him, he’ll give Mizuki more. Having been isolated and sheltered for so long, Mizuki finds himself unable to refuse this offer. But is what he finds on the other side worth risking his simple and routine life for?

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Manhwa Review | The New Recruit by Moscareto

Title: The New Recruit

Seunghyun is almost thirty and has never had a job. That isn’t to say he hasn’t been working hard. On the contrary, it’s quite the opposite. Seunghyun has been spending much of his adult life in school, going so far as to earn his master’s degree in business. However, his reasons for doing so weren’t necessarily because he wanted to achieve such a big goal. Instead, his true intention was to follow his crush and first love. Seunghyun has been in love for five years with his old friend.

Unfortunately, no matter how long Seunghyun carried the torch for his friend, the timing was never right. Resigning to the fact that he’ll never be with his first and only love, Seunghyun ends up graduating without any idea what he wants to do with his life. So, he does what every newly graduated adult does: start applying for jobs. He doesn’t have too much luck there either until he’s able to get his dream internship. The only downside is that his boss, Mr. Kim, doesn’t seem too happy that he is there.

But as Seunghyun works and proves himself, Mr. Kim begins to warm up to him, but that heat isn’t as innocent as Seunghyun believes.

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Manhwa Review | On or Off by A1

Title: On or Off

, for some people, is a time to live it up and have fun before going out into the world and settling down. In the case of Yiyoung and his friends, it is their chance to start their own company. More specifically, they form a game development company, initially led by Yiyoung’s oldest and dearest friend, Mina. Unfortunately, due to a family issue, Mina has to leave the company to help support her family. Still, she leaves it in the hands of Yiyoung to manage the rag-tag group and make it a success with minimal funds and very little time. The goal for the company is to create a game for SJ Corporation, one of the biggest companies in the country, but they have to present the game to the company leaders, and for most of the team, social interactions aren’t their strongest suit.

In comes Yiyoung, the bubbly and affable leader. Confident in his presenting abilities and social skills, he goes out to SJ Corporation, ready to sell them their game. While preparing for the presentation, in walks Director Kang Daehyung, and he is everything Yiyoung could want in a man and more. But, unfortunately, he is also the man who has the final say on whether Yiyoung’s game is worth picking or not. Now full of nerves, Yiyoung fears the worst for the presentation but ends up starting strong. As luck would have it, though, his computer starts going through an update in the middle of the presentation. With time out and the leaders frustrated, Yiyoung is excused from the meeting with no hope of being chosen.

Disheartened, Yiyoung is prepared to call it quits and beg for forgiveness, but a sudden stroke of desperation sends him scrambling to fix his mistake for his team members. He writes up a proposal with a link to the game, sneaks it into Director Kang’s , discovers from his calendar where Director Kang will be that evening, then “coincidentally” runs into him at the bar, where he begs for another chance. Director Kang, suspicious of Yiyoung’s intentions, throws out some bait to scare him off: sleep with me, then I’ll consider your game proposal. Much to the director’s surprise, Yiyoung takes the bait. But just how far is Yiyoung willing to go for his friends? And will he be able to face the director again after their night of passion?

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Manhwa Review | Wolves Behind Bars by Joy

Title: Wolves Behind Bars

Kiyo is an omega and a struggling artist with an intense hatred for alphas due to his father. His father, a crime lord alpha, treated Kiyo and his mother as nothing more than commodities to earn money. Thankfully, Kiyo has escaped most of his father’s influence and has been surviving on commissions from people while he holds up in his small apartment. Unfortunately, after taking a gory commission from an anonymous client where he painted various murder scenes and posted them online under a series known as The Game of Darkness per the client’s instructions, Kiyo is arrested for the murder of various high-profile alphas, which were all depicted in his paintings with details that the police had never released.

Unfortunately, the client was using an untraceable online presence, and the payments all originated from the accounts of dead people, so Kiyo is the only one in the crosshairs for these crimes. He is arrested and taken to until his trial and possible sentencing are complete. Due to a clerical error, though, Kiyo is placed in an alpha-only institution. The head of the prison wants to avoid any complaints or scandals, so he quietly brushes the error under the rug while pushing for a transfer as soon as possible. In the meantime, Kiyo is forced to room with an alpha named Iri, placed there by the warden to protect Kiyo until he can be transferred out.

Iri doesn’t seem good or bad, which in a prison teeming with alphas that want nothing more than to break Kiyo is better than nothing. Even so, it is impossible to tell if Iri is truly Kiyo’s ally or his enemy, as there are plenty of people gunning for Kiyo both because he is an omega and because of his father. With no one else to turn to, Kiyo relies on Iri emotionally, but over time, he soon begins to rely on him physically. As Kiyo and Iri start a physical relationship, Kiyo does everything he can to fight against the overwhelming lust and love he begins to feel for Iri because what is more important is survival. Will Kiyo be able to survive prison? Even if he does, will he be able to prove his innocence? And what are Iri’s true intentions for Kiyo?

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Manhwa Review | Love Me, Doctor! by Ana

Title: Love Me, Doctor!

Hyuk is having the time of his life in . He’s got a hot girlfriend, great friends, and good enough grades, and things are only looking up for him… except for one thing. He is having trouble getting it up, making things difficult with his hot girlfriend. To fix his problem, Hyuk makes an appointment with a urologist. Dr. Han is friendly and puts Hyuk at ease. Since Hyuk doesn’t have any physical reasons as to why he may be having this problem, Dr. Han guesses the problem is psychological. To get past the mental block, Dr. Han performs a prostate exam and massage, which, much to Hyuk’s surprise, feels extremely good. Also, to Dr. Han’s surprise, he finds the session with Hyuk stimulating.

Dr. Han sets up regular consultations with Hyuk where they repeat the procedure, and over time, Hyuk and Han develop a relationship that goes beyond patient and doctor. As a result of his secrecy and inability to perform, Hyuk’s girlfriend leaves him, which leaves him with more time to spend with Dr. Han. Soon, Dr. Han and Hyuk are meeting outside the clinic, and Dr. Han is more and more generous with his resources and time. Before Hyuk knows it, he finds himself attracted to Dr. Han, and with the recent change in his relationship status, he has no reason not to be with Dr. Han. Yet, there is something about Dr. Han that Hyuk just can’t seem to reconcile. Who is this man really, and why can’t he seem to trust him fully?

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Manhwa Review | Love Tractor by HmmYongYong

Title: Love Tractor

Sun Yool desperately needs an escape. His relationship with his father has been tenuous at best, and his relationship with his boyfriend hasn’t been going much better. While trying to keep the balance in his relationships, he’s also struggling through law school. Things are beginning to come to a head with Yool’s mental health when his mother talks him into going to his grandfather’s farm for a break since his grandfather is in the , unable to keep up his home. Yool accepts the offer and leaves the city to escape to the farm.

Yool expects many peaceful days ahead. However, he doesn’t expect to find a big, burly young adult named Yechan, whom he briefly knew as a child. Yechan grows attached to Yool, and soon, the days with Yechan far exceed the days Yool has alone, and while he would never admit it out loud, Yool finds himself growing attached to the boisterous young man. But even in this idyllic scenario with the eye candy that is Yechan, the darkness of the life he left behind is ever-looming and threatening the fragile happiness he’s built for himself.

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Manhwa Review | Home Alone Together by Shin Yuri

Title: Home Alone Together

Junwoo is a hikikomori – a young adult who has become a recluse. For the past five years, since graduating high school and after the death of his parents, he has holed himself up in his childhood home, where he spends his days in idle existence. The only thing he has to look forward to is the occasional visit from his neighbor Hanbit, a guy he’s had a crush on since he was a kid. Otherwise, his days are filled with severe loneliness and the self-loathing he hasn’t been able to shake.

One day, Hanbit comes by, implying that he might be moving in with Junwoo. This lights a fire under Junwoo, and he immediately assumes this is his chance to win over Hanbit. However, when Hanbit comes over, he brings along a stranger: Wooyeon. It turns out that Hanbit isn’t planning to move in. On the contrary, he is moving away to be with his longtime girlfriend. However, in fear of Junwoo being left alone unsupervised, Hanbit has the great idea that Wooyeon should move in with Junwoo.

Neither Junwoo nor Wooyeon seem jazzed about the idea, but both seem compelled to go along with it because of their affection for Hanbit. So begins the awkward orbiting the two have as they live together. Despite their disdain for each other’s company, slowly but surely, they grow to tolerate one another. And soon, that tolerance evolves into something more, something neither of them expected it would be. But these two have a lot of old wounds that threaten the peace they have created with each other. Will they be able to move forward, or are they destined to drown amid their surging trauma?

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Novel Review | Lip and Sword by Jin Shisi Chai

Title: Lip and Sword

Xing Ming is the host of Pearl Line, a news analysis show for the station Pearl TV Station News Center. He’s attractive, talented, and truly cares about the news he puts out. As a result, during the end-of-the-year banquet for the station, Xing Ming is awarded the Top Ten News Centers of the Year award. However, not everyone feels he is deserving of it. Director Chen Linan, who actually recruited Xing Ming initially and put him in the position of hosting Pearl Line, now no longer feels he is worthy of his accolades or role on the show. This is all because Zhuang Lei, rumored to be Chen Linan’s niece or lover, was the host of Pearl Line before she went on maternity leave, which allowed Xing Ming to be her replacement. Even though she has recovered and is ready to return, Xing Ming refuses to give up his spot.

Due to his frustration and drunkness, Chen Linan confronts Xing Ming at the party. At first, Xing Ming isn’t worried over the drunken Chen Linan’s pestering… until Chen Linan brings up Xing Ming’s dead father, a convicted rapist. In a blind rage, Xing Ming beats Chen Linan over the head with a wine bottle in front of everyone at the party. In a panic, knowing his job is on the line, Xing Ming reaches out to the station chairman, Yu Zhongye, and offers himself up in exchange for leniency regarding his punishment. While Yu Zhongye does take him up on his offer, and they spend a night together, the director and chairman are set to fire him the following day. Once more, in a fit of rage, Xing Ming fights off the security guards and poses an offer to the chairman: let me create my own show with my own team from scratch. If he doesn’t get decent ratings during a six-month period, he will leave on his own.

Yu Zhongye agrees, but as Xing Ming faces setback after setback, he constantly has to return to Yu Zhongye for favors. As he gives himself over to the chairman repeatedly, Xing Ming begins to question if this is all worth it and what his sexuality is. However, more than anything, Xing Ming wonders if what he feels for Yu Zhongye is truly admiration or if it is something deeper? And is Yu Zhongye capable of loving anyone for more than their body?

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