Title: Enter the Beast
Hajime Sato is an office worker. Work has been unbearable with neverending overtime. His only comfort in this trying time is the prospect of seeing his favorite porn actress Chihiro when he gets the chance to go home. He’s already thinking about her newest release while on the train heading back home for the first time in a long time, but then he hears her. Looking around on the train, he finds there is only one other person, and he has headphones in. But the headphones are doing nothing to deafen the sound of porn coming from the stranger’s phone.
Hajime is beyond embarrassed for the strange man, watching porn in the middle of the day, but he’s even more embarrassed for himself. No matter how hard he tries to hold back, he can’t help getting a boner hearing his beloved Chihiro’s voice. The man ends up catching Hajime in this precarious situation. The man takes Hajime off the train at the next stop, taking him into the bathroom to “relieve” themselves while listening to Chihiro.
Hajime’s stunned, embarrassed, but relieved all the same. At least it’s over, and he’ll hopefully never run into this weirdo ever again. Little does Hajime know this stranger, coincidentally named Chihiro, has no intention of leaving Hajime alone.