Manhwa Review | Rain Again by Jeong Seokchan

Title: Rain Again

Wujin is living life listlessly. He goes through the motions, just enough to stay alive and keep a roof over his head. He’s a recent graduate with no thoughts or feelings about his future. To escape the past that has placed him in this frozen state, he moves as far away as his funds will allow him. One day, while running an errand for his new landlord around the apartment building, he runs into his neighbor, Jin. Jin is a mysterious man. He comes home more often with wounds than not, with looks that could kill.

Most people would be dissuaded from getting close to him. Yet, for some inexplicable reason, Wujin is drawn to him. As Wujin tears down the walls of this mystery man, he discovers that Jin is much more gentle and caring than he lets on. He also has a darker past that he is doing his best to escape. What Wujin doesn’t expect is for Jin to turn around and tear down his walls, as well. With two people suffering from mistakes they can’t escape, will they continue to run together, or will they run apart?

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Manhwa Review | @puppy_love by Hamnya

Title: @puppy_love

Seoyun is an online influencer. After a picture of him went viral and was passed around his school, Seoyun had to quit school, leave his family, and go into hiding on his own. Thankfully, with the image going viral, he was able to rebound into an online career under the moniker Mr. Puppy. With his whole world revolving around the internet, Mr. Puppy doesn’t have to leave his home for much, which he is fine with. Yet, as the days go on, Mr. Puppy’s loneliness also grows.

Mr. Puppy isn’t lonely for long, though. One day, he receives an inappropriate DM from a medical student named Yeonwoo. Yeonwoo likes cute things, and Mr. Puppy fits the bill. Yeonwoo also fits Mr. Puppy’s preferences, and they start an online relationship with Yeonwoo as a master and Mr. Puppy as his pet. While this satisfies for a time, it isn’t long before they crave more. Can their relationship survive the transition from an online fling to a physical one? And can love grow from a master-pet relationship?

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Novel Review | Beast Blood by Sato Fumino

Title: Beast Blood

Euphemia Ashencourt is a pretty girl… and that’s all anyone sees in her, which only puts her that much deeper in her half-sister’s shadow. Her elder sister is none other than the mayor of Gothic City – a corrupt city overrun with Nightz addicts, gangs, and Beast Blood-hating groups murdering them whenever possible. But Euphemia’s sister is slowly working on turning things around. Naturally, Euphemia wants nothing more than to help her sister make the city better and prove that she is more than just a pretty face. So, using her sister’s connections, Euphemia gets a job at a research facility to find a way to naturally destroy the Night Bloom – the flower used to create Nightz.

Euphemia never thought that trying to help her sister destroy some flowers would ever lead her to danger. However, one evening, after seeing the Night Blooms bloom, she is captured by some gang members on her way home. They take her out to the Wilds with the intent to assault her before feeding her to a Muta – a monstrous and blood-thirsty creature. Before the men can touch her, she resolves to take her own life and control her death. But in the middle of her attempt, a man with glowing silver eyes appears.

His name is Zelaide, and he isn’t just any man. He is Beast Blood, a species that looks human but is much more than that. He’s stronger, he’s faster, and he’s more beast than man, and he’s a Hunter – a contractor that does all the violent, dirty work that most humans can’t or won’t. He takes out the men, defeats the Muta, and saves Euphemia. That would typically be the end of Zelaide’s involvement with a human woman, but the moment Euphemia laid eyes on him, she wanted him and wasn’t going to let this beast of a man get away.

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Manhwa Review | You Jin by Fujoking

Title: You Jin

You Jin isn’t the brightest bulb in the box, but even he finds it a bit weird when his female childhood friend Lee Sejin turns up on his doorstep, claiming to have contracted a potentially fatal disease with the convenient side effect of switching his gender. Sejin has been living his life as a man since the change but has run into some trouble with his gaggle of girlfriends. So he begs Jin to take him in until he can figure out what to do with his life moving forward. Of course, Jin is suspicious but lets Sejin stay with him all the same.

Once Sejin establishes himself in Jin’s life, he asks him for one more favor: help him grant his last wish. Naturally, Jin isn’t unwilling to help until Sejin tries to kiss him. As it turns out, Sejin’s last wish is a bit more than Jin realized. How far is Jin willing to go to help a childhood friend, if that even is who this person actually is?

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Manga Review | Pink Heart Jam by Shikke

Title: Pink Heart Jam

Haiga is experiencing many firsts. It is his first time in , it is his first time living in the city away from his rural home, and it is his first time faced with his sexuality. While touring his campus for the first time, Haiga sees Kanae, a beautiful man and Haiga’s upperclassman. Haiga is immediately attracted to him, but he isn’t sure if he simply admires Kanae or if he really is attracted to him as a man. Without any real reason to find out, Haiga is left on his own to wonder.

That is until his peers give him money to visit a box spa after a night of drinking. However, this particular box spa is located in the gay district, which Haiga uses to his advantage to help answer the question: does he like men or not? Of course, Haiga doesn’t expect that the person servicing him is none other than Kanae. So, this is a chance for Haiga to discover his sexuality and determine if his feelings for Kanae are more than simple admiration for his upperclassman. While he is figuring that out, another question lingers in the back of Haiga’s mind: how does Kanae feel about him?

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Novel Review | Salad Days by Jing Shuibian

Title: Salad Days

Jiang Shen is a poor boy in a rural village. He spends his days playing with friends out in the rice paddy fields, helping his father work the fields, chasing wild chickens, and fishing. The most time he ever spends in the city is when his mother takes the vegetable harvest to sell. While his mother is busy in the city, Jiang Shen usually spends his time exploring the Children’s Center, where he stumbles upon a ballet class. The teacher catches him looking and invites him in, where she discovers he may have an innate talent for ballet. It isn’t long before Jiang Shen’s focus goes from his idyllic village days to something much larger and grander.

On the other end of the spectrum is Bai Jinyi. He comes from a filthy rich family and wants for nothing. He spends his days training at the Children’s Center in boxing, with his goal being to go international and win the gold belt. However, while attending training one day, an unusual sight catches his eye: a little boy among a gaggle of girls in a ballet class. Inexplicably, Bai Jinyi becomes drawn to this little boy, and for once in his life, Jiang Shen is the one thing he wants, even more than boxing.

They say the rich never box and the poor never dance. Yet, Jiang Shen and Bai Jinyi are set to defy those odds. As the two grow and change and their dreams grow more and more focused, the one thing that keeps them tethered together is their growing feelings for each other. So, can these happy days continue for two boys whose paths would never have crossed otherwise? And can they grasp their dreams while holding onto each other?

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Novel Review | Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion! by Eiko Mutsuhana

Title: Hello, I am a Witch and my Crush Wants me to Make a Love Potion!

Rose is a witch – a being that lives outside of the laws of any country, government, or man. Since she is a being separate from humans, she has lived in isolation on the city’s outskirts her entire life. As a result, Rose isn’t the most socialized person in the world. To make matters worse, the only reason witches can use magic is due to the singular rule they can never break: they can never tell a lie. This leads to almost all of Rose’s conversations being vague responses, riddles, or just non-responses. This has never been an issue, though, since she lives alone, and the only people she interacts with are her guardian, Tien, and the occasional customer seeking out her potions.

Her peaceful existence is rocked, though, when a man she happened to fall in love with four years prior suddenly arrives on her hermitage’s doorstep. He is part of the royal guard and is a nobleman in his own right by the name of Harij. Rose encountered him once in the market after her grandmother and caretaker passed, where she was subjected to people celebrating her grandmother’s, the witch of the lake’s, death. Harij was the only one who defended her grandmother and, by extension, Rose herself, and Rose never forgot him. Unfortunately, though, Harij isn’t there for just any reason. He is seeking a love potion.

Rose’s pride as a witch won’t allow her to deny the man she loves such a potion, but that doesn’t mean she won’t take advantage of the situation. She draws out the time it takes to make the potion, sending Harij out on errands to procure the ingredients needed, and as time goes on, Rose’s love for Harij only grows. Meanwhile, his affection toward the witch grows, too, or is that just Rose’s imagination? Even if Harij did fall in love with her, how could a witch fall in love with a human?

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Manhwa Review | Seven Days of Lust by Fujoking, Hato, Hoben, Lee Aru, MEL, Pyoryu

Title: Seven Days of Lust

This is an series with six stories, all based in the omegaverse. There are supposed to be seven, which explains the title, but I cannot find a legal way to read the missing story; as a result, only the 6 available on Lezhin Comics will be reviewed. If a legal avenue becomes available with the missing story, I will add it to this review. The following are the stories in this anthology, with a short description of each:

Beta Test by

Two betas experiment with a new drug that can make someone an alpha or omega. The results end up being much more than either of them expected.

Love is Love by

A supposed beta has a crush on an alpha. The alpha’s cousin has a crush on the beta. With the beta stuck in the middle, who will he choose? Or will he even have to?

Melting Point by

An omega professor hasn’t gone into heat for months. After seeing the doctor and receiving some intimate tools to fix this problem, an alpha student finds it and decides to help the professor himself.

Sleepless Nights by

An alpha is mistaken as an omega in a beta school when a rumor goes around that an omega has transferred in. Then, many years later, the alpha meets the omega, which turns out to be one of the people who hung out with the bullies. This time, though, the turf has changed. The alpha is the omega’s boss, and it is time for some revenge.

Mutual Enemy by

A recessive alpha and a dominant alpha butt heads, but when the recessive alpha is drugged by an omega that has a crush on him, the dominant alpha is there to lend a hand.

Clinical Matters of the Heart by

A dominant alpha signs up to test a new medication that can turn alphas into omegas to earn $500. Unfortunately, the test requires him to go into heat with some alphas around. What could go wrong?

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Manhwa Review | Pleasure Principle by Rotten Green T

Title: Pleasure Principle

Jiho is broke and accident-prone, which is not a great combination. So, to resolve his financial issues, Jiho goes on the hunt for a job online when he discovers a listing that seems too good to be true. However, no matter how questionable the listing, Jiho can’t be too picky. So, he calls and secures an interview. Unfortunately, what he finds when he arrives is not your typical shop. Instead, it is an adult shop.

Jiho immediately regrets his decision, but before he can leave, the shop’s manager pulls him into the interview. She asks a few personal and inappropriate questions, which freaks Jiho out enough that as he rushes to leave, he ends up knocking over a bunch of merchandise, totaling a hefty sum in damages. With no other choice, Jiho agrees to work there to pay off his new debt. Thankfully, though, the job pays well, and Jiho even finds himself enjoying the job.

That is until one day, after work, he bumps into a VIP customer, causing the customer to drop his phone in the street. Unfortunately, the phone is promptly run over by a passing motorist. This immediately indebts Jiho to this mysterious VIP customer. Thankfully, the customer is willing to forgo a monetary repayment and instead just wants to receive “special service” when he comes to the shop. Well, what luck! Surely that can’t be too difficult for innocent Jiho to handle… right?

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Novel Review | Yes, No, or Maybe? by Michi Ichiho

Title: Yes, No, or Maybe?

Kunieda Kei lives two different lives. Externally, he is the prince of the evening news – hardworking, kind, and humble. He is the ideal man and is adored for it. Internally, though, he is a rude, conniving, and spiteful person. He plays both roles so effectively that even Kunieda isn’t sure which is the real him. However, his worlds collide when he runs into Tsuzuki, an animator who specializes in stop motion. During his day job (which takes place in the evening most of the time since he works for the evening news), Kunieda has to interview Tsuzuki.

Tsuzuki is a chill guy and immediately rubs Kunieda the wrong way. Even so, Kunieda can’t let it show, so he puts on the charm, and the interview goes well. After work, Kunieda becomes his other inner self. From the clean-cut, dapper Kunieda, he turns into the sweatsuit, mask, and glasses-wearing Kunieda, who eats junk food and curses like a sailor. Unfortunately, during his nightly ritual to go get junk food, Kunieda ends up causing a bicyclist to wreck. As it turns out, the rider is Tsuzuki. Kunieda does his best to escape, but Tsuzuki demands that Kunieda pay him back by helping him with his next animation. In order to avoid Tsuzuki discovering who he is, Kunieda goes by Owari.

As Kunieda spends more time with Tsuzuki as both straight-laced Kunieda and trouble-maker Owari, he grows closer to him. But could Tsuzuki accept both sides of Kunieda? Which even is the real Kunieda?

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