Manhwa Review | My X Report by Golden Egg

Title: My X Report

Seon Seorim got a job working under the prolific Professor Jin. Unfortunately, while on the job, Seorim pressed a button that caused an expensive piece of equipment to explode, leaving nothing of it behind. Seorim thinks the worst thing to happen to him will be getting fired, but then Professor Jin drops a bomb on him: he has to pay Professor Jin back for the damages. The piece of equipment that was destroyed is almost priceless and will undoubtedly bankrupt Seorim. However, Professor Jin has an alternative solution: get hired by Professor Jin’s rival, Gong Woon, and steal and sabotage as Professor Jin commands.

With no other choice, Seorim does as he’s told and is hired on as an assistant to Professor Gong. While Seorim feels guilty and nervous, he’s ecstatic about this opportunity as Professor Gong is touted as a genius and one of the greatest innovators of the time. Seorim is looking forward to seeing what Professor Gong is working on until he sees the storage room packed full of unique sex toys. Surely this is a mistake, right?

Not at all. As it turns out, there is a lucrative market for sex toys, and Professor Gong is all too happy to capitalize on it. The only problem is he needs someone to test them, and who is better than his new assistant? Maybe this plan of espionage is a bit more than Seorim anticipated.

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Manhwa Review | Stage of the Dark Souls by Guacamole

Title: Stage of the Dark Souls

Mihael is a devil that lives among humans. Though he shouldn’t, he ends up falling in love with a particular human, a man named Adonel Schravant. He is particularly in love with his stunning soul, which Mihael desperately wants for himself. Unfortunately, no matter how hard he tries, Adonel is always being swept away by other humans. Unwilling to share Adonel anymore, Mihael goes to the clergy and tells them that Adonel’s family is practicing pagan worship, which leads to their execution. Alone and desperate, Adonel is ripe for the picking, so Mihael makes him an offer he knows Adonel can’t refuse: Mihael will tie himself to the Schravant line, granting them all of his powers. In exchange, once the Schravant has fallen in love with Mihael and willingly given his soul, Mihael will take it, and they will be bound for eternity.

So Mihael lives in Adonel’s shadow, helping rebuild the fallen Schravant name. All the while, Adonel has a child, despite Mihael’s hate over it, and grows to a ripe old age. Finally, at the end of Adonel’s life, Mihael broaches the subject of Adonel handing over his soul. Only then does Adonel reveal that he never loved Mihael and would not give up his soul, meaning Mihael would remain tied to the Schravant bloodline until he can convince another descendent to fall in love with him and willingly give their soul to him. Mihael is devastated but far from willing to give up.

Three hundred years later, after the death of the head of the Schravant conglomerate, Mihael finds his two sons: the firstborn, Evan, and the second, Victor. Mihael has been watching over the family all this time, biding his time and waiting for the ideal soul. Finally, after all this time, Mihael has found it. Two of them, in fact, and he isn’t willing to give either of them up. One way or another, he will make them fall for him and then take their souls, but not until he destroys them from the inside out.

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Manga Review | My Dearest Cop by Niyama

Title: My Dearest Cop (Renta!) | My Dearest Patrolman (SuBLime)

Seiji is living his best life, relaxing and lazing about with his pet cat while watching over his family’s shop. As a former police officer, this is a much easier life than he had before, and he has no problem living it to the best of his ability. A nice reminder of his more active life comes around occasionally in the form of a current officer, Shin. As it turns out, Shin is a former rough-and-tumble teen from Seiji’s old beat. They had many encounters, with Seiji lightheartedly trying to coax Shin back on the right path, acting more as a friend than an authority figure.

Shin appreciated the company, having had a rough relationship with his father at home and very few friends otherwise. This odd relationship came to a head, though, when during an encounter on the street, Shin was going to be bludgeoned with a glass bottle until Seiji got in the way, taking the hit instead and, in turn, scaring off the assailants. At that moment, Shin decided to become a cop so he could pay back Seiji and protect him. More importantly, this is where Shin officially falls in love with Seiji, a love he carries even into adulthood.

Shin resigns himself to this unrequited love. That is until Seiji makes an offhand comment that he should try dating men, bemoaning his current bachelor lifestyle. With his impossible love now a possibility, Shin makes it his mission to make Seiji fall in love with him. Can Shin woo the laissez-faire Seiji, or will Seiji brush him off as a kidding young man?

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Manhwa Review | Rent Boy by Studio Stellas

Title: Rent Boy

Anton Arnault has finally come of age. Unfortunately, his celebration isn’t all that fun. Since he is a child of mixed blood, most attendees (the upper crust) don’t see him as the heir to the Arnault fortune but as an invader into their exclusive world. They foresee his rise to power as the end of the prestigious Arnault name. They don’t try to hide their disdain and mockery of him either, and all Anton can do is shoulder their judgment and do everything he can to prove them wrong.

Unfortunately, the coming-of-age party isn’t the end of the ritual. Now that he is of age, it’s time for him to visit the Cyrene Salon, a pretty facade, hiding behind it an exclusive brothel where the upper crust can explore all manner of pleasure hidden from the eyes of general society. Anton must also visit and give up his virginity to one of the many workers there to finally enter the noble world as a man. Wanting to establish himself in this society, he requests the top sex worker in the brothel, who turns out to be a young man named Arwin. Anton is instantly smitten and finds himself drawn in again and again just for Arwin.

Unfortunately, Anton isn’t the only one bewitched by Arwin. As it turns out, Arwin is also his father’s favorite, and Klaus Arnault isn’t above challenging his son for the affection of Arwin. Can Anton maintain his foothold as heir to the Arnault family, or will he lose it all just to be with Arwin?

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Manhwa Review | December Rain by Kimon

Title: December Rain

Suchae has just finished his required military service. Rather than going home to rest and plan his future, he hits the road to travel with no destination in sight. While at a bus terminal, in the public bathrooms, he hears a fellow traveler pleasuring himself in the stall next door. Though disgusted, when he sees the man on the bus, he finds that the stranger is exactly his type. Not that that means much since the moment Suchae gets off the bus, they will probably never see each other again.

Suchae heads to the nearest village, seeking a room, only to find the one place renting rooms is housed by an older woman who has dementia and cannot rent any longer. Suchae is just about to head to the next village when the older woman mistakes him for her grandson and demands that he stay with her. Though Suchae tries to explain that he isn’t who she thinks he is, he finds that the woman could benefit from him being around and slips into the role of her grandson while helping ensure that she is being looked after. While picking up some things from the market, Suchae happens upon a person passed out on the ground. To his surprise, it is the stranger from the bus. He takes the stranger back to his grandma’s house, where he nurses him back to health.

The stranger’s name is Gusam. He’s homeless and on the run, having woken up some time ago to find himself and the room covered in blood. He supposedly murdered someone after blacking out, and his only option was to run away. Unfortunately, he was caught on CCTV, and he has the police on the hunt for the mysterious killer. Gusam is desperate to get away, even from the warmth and kindness given to him by Suchae and his grandma, but after some intimate nights with Suchae, Gusam finds himself unwilling to part with him. Can these two find happiness despite the hopeless circumstances around them? Or are they destined for tragedy?

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Manhua Review | Me and My Zoo by La Mian Hua Tang De Tu Zi

Title: Me and My Zoo

Duan Jiaze has recently graduated from . Unfortunately, the job market isn’t all that fruitful for a fresh graduate, but his luck takes a turn when a relative passes away, leaving behind a derelict zoo in the hands of Duan. While it isn’t much to look at, with most of the facilities in disrepair and the animals on their last legs, Duan has no choice and takes the opportunity to take over the zoo and bring it back to greatness.

Thankfully, Duan isn’t alone. He is inexplicably chosen by the heavens in the form of an app on his phone to take on the zoo under the Lingxiao Hope Project. This zoo will not be inhabited by just zoo animals but by deities needing vacations or punishments in the mortal realm. As Duan works at the zoo, he is given missions by the app to complete, and in turn, is gifted with feed from the heavens, free facilities, and, better yet, gods with animal forms to draw people to the zoo.

Duan is sure his Wonder Park Zoo has every chance in the world to succeed if only he can wrangle these godly animals dispatched to him. That’s easier said than done when his first divine animal, the three-legged crow Lu Ya, sent there as a punishment, acts more like a lord than a prisoner. Can Duan find the courage to command the great Lu Ya, or will he lose the zoo and what little pride he has left?

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Manhwa Review | Lick Me, Like Me by R.erun

Title: Lick Me, Like Me

Jooin is a popular veterinarian, but not just for his veterinary skills. He is also very beautiful, which helps draw in plenty of customers. His life as a vet is fulfilling, but his love life is seriously lacking, though not for lack of trying. Unfortunately, Jooin’s last relationship didn’t end so well when he discovered his boyfriend was and only using Jooin for his money. Still, Jooin longs for real love. In the meantime, he takes in an abandoned puppy and kitten and showers them with all the love he longs to receive for himself someday.

Everything is going just fine with his puppy and kitty, even after they’ve become full-grown. Jooin looks forward to coming home to them each day, a far cry from what life was like before he had them. One evening, he comes home and goes to give them both a bath. While bathing them, he is reminded that it is time to get them fixed now that they are fully grown. He assures them, out loud, that he’s a vet and will be sure everything goes smoothly. To Jooin’s surprise, the dog and cat he’s loved and cared for suddenly change into humans, begging him not to neuter them.

As it turns out, there is a secret society of anthromorphs called furries, and Jooin happened to adopt two of them. Jooin loves his dog and cat more than he loves himself, and they seem to love him just as much. However, when in human form, their love turns much more… lusty than Jooin ever expected. Can he learn to love the human versions of his beloved pets? And just how far is he willing to take his love for them?

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Manhwa Review | Love for Sale by Dal HyeonJi

Title: Love for Sale

Namwoo is struggling. He’s broke 90% of the time, working all day every day when he isn’t in class, and trying to keep it all under wraps from his sister, who desperately wants to help, but who he doesn’t want to burden if he can help it. So he suffers in silence, living day by day as best he can on convenience store food in his shoebox apartment. The silence doesn’t last for long, though, when all of his stress and desperation come to a head after a night of drinking. While trying to treat his coworker to a coffee for covering for him at work, he can’t even afford the coffee. He breaks down right on the spot, crying and wailing no matter who might hear.

As it happens, a kind older man passes by, helps pay for Namwoo’s goods, and tries to slip away, only for a drunken Namwoo to follow him out. That man feels compelled to help Namwoo get home, but in Namwoo’s drunken stupor, he demands money from the older man. The man placates Namwoo, withdrawing that money, which is hardly enough to cover a month of Namwoo’s expenses, and Namwoo, forgetting he had even asked for it, assumes that the man is giving him money for sex. So the moment they get back to Namwoo’s apartment, he jumps on the man.

The following day, horrified by his actions and the fact that he’s essentially stolen money from a stranger, Namwoo is prepared to go to jail when he meets the stranger. As it turns out, the man is Si-eon, CEO of a publishing company, and rather than being disturbed or offended by Namwoo’s drunken antics, he’s intrigued. Still, Namwoo wants to pay the man back, but Si-eon refuses, offering a different solution. Si-eon wants to date Namwoo and shower him with all the money he can desire.

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Manhwa Review | Kinks in Development by NAS

Title: Kinks in Development

Jaewon’s life has been pretty smooth since moving in with his casual sex partner. In exchange for sex, he’s fed, clothed, and housed without having to do much else, which is a great deal as far as Jaewon is concerned. He spends his days idly until his partner asks him to sign up for martial arts classes at the dojang he works at. Jaewon isn’t interested, but if that’s all he asks, he could do that, at least. He joins a class, inadvertently joining under the tutelage of a former classmate, Jung-wook.

For whatever reason, Jung-wook seems to have it out for Jaewon, not that Jaewon is making it hard for him. Jaewon is lazy and self-important, spending class time napping or playing around, and while that’s enough to draw the ire of Jung-wook, the reasons are so much deeper than that. Jung-wook and Jaewon got close in middle school, far closer than friends. They kissed and shared some of the most intimate moments of their lives, both when they needed it the most. Jung-wook was ruthlessly bullied and tortured in school, and though Jaewon never came to his defense, he often lessened the bullying as much as he could by hanging out with the bullies. Jung-wook was fine with this arrangement, and he was fine even when Jaewon ended up spreading a rumor around the school, making the bullying worse.

What Jung-wook couldn’t stand was Jaewon moving on and abandoning him. Jung-wook wants revenge, and he’s willing to give Jaewon his body if he can get revenge. What Jung-wook doesn’t know is that Jaewon doesn’t remember anything about his betrayal. He hardly remembers Jung-wook at all, and he’s all too happy to go on this lusty ride of vengeance.

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Manhwa Review | Surge Towards You by Cheongyeon

Title: Surge Towards You

Cheong-ho is a prolific . He’s an Olympic-grade swimmer, but his position is constantly questioned with his diminishing records. His condition would be better as an alpha if he would have sex with an omega, but his fear and repulsion toward omega pheromones make it impossible. Due to a traumatic event in his childhood, Cheong-ho can’t stand being around omegas, which is part of why he loves to swim because they can’t trigger him in the water. With suppressants, he can achieve his goal of being a professional swimmer, but with them being banned as performance enhancers and considered doping, Cheong-ho’s future in the sport is bleak.

At the end of his rope, he tries exposure therapy to overcome his repulsion. While in a park, he encounters someone hanging out on a bridge. The person looks unwell, which leads to them passing out and falling into the water below. Without hesitation, Cheong-ho jumps in to rescue them, but upon pulling them out of the water, he discovers that it is an omega in heat. Strangely enough, he isn’t put off by them, but the reason is even stranger still: they’re odorless. The person he rescued is Olympic figure skater Yi-rim, a “defective” omega with odorless pheromones.

Yi-rim has never been able to attract an alpha since no one can smell his scent, and, as such, he assumed his life would be lonely until he met Cheong-ho. Cheong-ho needs Yi-rim, and Yi-rim will give anything to be with Cheong-ho, even at the risk of his heart.

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