Manga Review | Kind of a Wolf by Machi Suehiro

Title: Kind of a Wolf

This is the spin-off of Fox-Colored Jealousy. While they are self-contained stories, this title references characters and situations from the first, so it’s recommended to read Fox-Colored Jealousy before reading this title.

Hayato is a bright, excited, and extroverted man. But when his friends ask him to go out and hang out, he surprisingly declines, opting to spend pretty much every day at home alone. But, unfortunately for his neighbor Shiroki, a TA at his , Hayato spends his time at home playing video games online, where his exuberant personality comes out in full force. He yells, hoops, and hollers, resulting in a less-than-peaceful evening at Shiroki’s apartment next door. Frustrated, Shiroki goes over and lets his young neighbor know how disruptive he is.

Thankfully, Hayato seems to take Shiroki’s words to heart, and the evenings are peaceful once more. Shiroki is enjoying his quiet evening with his cat Furball on the night of a full moon when Furball decides to go on an impromptu adventure. Furball jumps over to Hayato’s balcony and slips into Hayato’s apartment. Panicked, Shiroki runs over to Hayato’s apartment and knocks on the door, but no one answers. Desperate, he tries the doorknob and finds that it’s unlocked. When he sneaks inside, he fully intends to just grab Furball and leave, but then he sees Hayato. Hayato is in bed, moaning and groaning.

But Shiroki is fixated on the pair of ears and a tail attached to Hayato.

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Manga Review | Hitorijime Boyfriend by Memeco Arii

Title: Hitorijime Boyfriend

Kensuke Oshiba has a problem. His life has been relatively peaceful despite being haunted by a painful event in his past when his best friend left him behind to attend a different middle school. He’s thankfully made friends since then, but that sad memory comes back to the forefront of his mind when that friend, Asaya Hasekura, suddenly transfers to his high school. He’s no longer that little boy Kensuke played with in elementary school. He’s now a handsome young man, taller than Kensuke, and he’s the talk of the school. Kensuke intends to just ignore Hasekura, but then they end up in the same class. Could things get any worse?

Thankfully, Hasekura seems ready to bury the hatchet, which Kensuke is all too happy to do. With their friendship rekindled, Kensuke’s life is back on track. But little does Kensuke know that Hasekura has no intentions of staying just friends.

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Manga Review | You Just Can’t Beat A Guy With A Double Face by Saori Nobana

Title: You Just Can't Beat A Guy With A Double Face

Kaname is your classic delinquent, and that’s precisely what he wants to be. Kaname was inspired by movies where men used their fists to protect others. That has set up his life on a trajectory of violence, but he sees it as a way to protect himself and those he holds dear with his fists, just like those he admired in those films. Unfortunately, he has yet to find someone worth protecting, and he’s constantly fighting with the school’s A+ student, Katagiri. It’s another day of arguing with the “perfect” student in class, leaving Kaname frustrated on his way home.

Unfortunately, Kaname runs into some other looking for a fight. With three against one, things aren’t looking good for Kaname until a stranger with glasses comes in to beat them off. Soma is this stranger’s name, and if anyone is worthy of Kaname’s protection, it’s Soma. But as Kaname tries to get closer to Soma, Soma does something that Kaname couldn’t have anticipated. Soma kisses Kaname. Kaname can’t begin to understand why. But what’s even weirder is that Katagiri has started avoiding him at school.

Just what is going on?

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Manga Review | The Demon And The Goblin’s Love Story by Tengoku

Title: The Demon And The Goblin's Love Story

Kurama is a demon who protects the mountain he lives on. His existence is a lonely one, as he’s often joined only by the animals that call the mountain home too. But he spends his time fulfilling his duties, patrolling the mountain, and ensuring everything is as it should be. On one such patrol, however, he finds that his mountain is not as it should be. There’s trash and garbage littering the mountainside. Enraged, Kurama takes his time to clean it all up, then he goes on the hunt to find just who caused it.

Much to his chagrin, he discovers a gang of taking refuge in a cave on the mountain. Kurama has dealt with goblins before, and it has never gone well. Still, this is his mountain to protect, so he takes the bag of trash and confronts the goblins. Immediately, he’s introduced to their leader, Hijiri, who apologizes on his people’s behalf. They have no intention of harming the mountain and hope Kurama will allow them to stay. It’s a pleasant surprise, to say the least.

While Kurama is pleased that his mountain will be protected, he’s more taken by Hijiri. For the first time ever, Kurama is hopelessly in love with the goblin leader. But how can an awkward demon win over someone so charming?

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Manga Review | Love Nest by Yuu Minaduki

Title: Love Nest

This is the third series in a shared world created by . It is recommended that you read the first and second entries before reading this one, as they share backgrounds and characters.

Masato treasures his days off, often working late hours during busy seasons at work. Unfortunately, the little peace he has at home is disrupted by his upstairs , who constantly stomp around and make noise. He escapes his home to drown his sorrows at his favorite , where he complains to one of his best friends, Naruse. Naruse pokes fun and comforts Masato at the same time but ultimately ends up making him an offer he can’t refuse: to move into one of his houses. Masato is all about it and immediately cancels his lease.

Just as he expected, the house is phenomenal. It has the latest entertainment system, which tickles Masato’s fancy. It’s impeccably clean. But more important, there are no annoying neighbors. Masato is ready to enjoy his new digs when he’s suddenly face-to-face with an unexpected person: Asahi. Asahi is an older man. He’s dirty, inconsiderate, and constantly steals Masato’s food. What Masato thought was heaven is suddenly hell. He has gone from shitty neighbors to a shitty roommate, and Masato can’t wait to find another place so he can escape Asahi.

But as he compromises and grows to learn who Asahi truly is, he finds himself softening up to the older man. But Masato has been betrayed by a straight man before. Though his heart might want Asahi, Masato isn’t so willing to let it guide him that way.

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Manga Review | Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love by Abuku

Title: Mr. Wolf Is Violently Smothering Me with Love

Sakutarou is a human omega. Though male omegas aren’t necessarily uncommon, there is still a bit of a social stigma around men being with other men and carrying children. As if that wasn’t difficult enough, Sakutarou also has an unusual fetish: noncon beastmen porn. Since he was small, Sakutarou adored beastmen, but that innocent admiration soon grew into an undeniable attraction. The odds of him finding a human alpha partner who likes omega men are already slim. The odds of him finding a beastman alpha partner who’d be attracted to humans are even slimmer still. Interspecies couples aren’t unusual, but marriage and long-term partnerships are rare and seen as a bit strange by the majority.

So, Sakutarou keeps his attractions to himself until he happens to start his heat a few days early. While out on the street, he ends up being picked up by beastman. The beastman carts Sakutarou away to a hotel, where the two have unbelievable sex. When Sakutarou finally comes around, the beastman makes an even more unbelievable claim: he believes Sakutarou is his fated mate. It’s everything Sakutarou could’ve ever wanted, but it’s almost overwhelming in how ideal it all is. Can Sakutarou find it in himself to accept who he is and the love that this beastman wants to give him? Or will he self-sabotage and run away from his happiness?

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Manga Review | I Seriously Can’t Believe You… by Jimi Fumikawa

Title: I Seriously Can't Believe You...

Iida is popular. Girls constantly surround him, but he’s never had a girlfriend. This intrigues Kon and his friends, who are trying to figure out why such a handsome and popular guy is single. They ultimately end up at one conclusion: maybe he’s gay? Unwilling to let go of his curiosity, Kon decides to confess to Iida, hoping to reveal whether or not he’s gay. The confession ends in rejection, though Iida is very kind and considerate about it, which Kon is surprised by. Once again, Kon is only further entranced by Iida.

However, what Kon doesn’t know is that Iida is gay, and his sudden confession has started Iida on a spiral. Iida didn’t know who Kon was before, but now that he’s received his confession, Iida can’t help noticing him no matter where they are. He’s gone through great effort to hide his sexual orientation, including avoiding other men as much as possible. But for whatever reason, Iida just can’t seem to escape Kon. I mean, Kon already confessed to him. Would it be so bad if Iida took the plunge and tried to get close to him in return?

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Manga Review | Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother by Aion Kiu

Title: Amaregulus: Soldier & Soother

Anton was once one of the most powerful and skilled warriors in the kingdom’s army. However, after an injury, Anton could not continue fighting within the military. Thankfully, as a praised warrior, Anton is put into a coveted and high-ranking position: Soother. Soothers are retired warriors who, thanks to their immense stamina and unquenchable libido, train their bodies to help sexually satisfy and train the nobility and royalty in the bedroom. It’s an honorable role that Anton happily accepts, and after intense training, Anton is finally ready for his first partner. Anton doesn’t expect to be posted to the 4th prince, Julius, who just had his coming-of-age ceremony.

Anton’s task is to teach Julius about sex and take his virginity, something Anton considers an immense honor. Julius also seems ready and willing, but when Anton tries to do his job, Julius refuses to let him. Julius believes Anton still wants to be a warrior and is determined to get Julius back on the field. He has no intention of using Anton as a Soother, leaving Anton at a loss. While he appreciates how much Julius cares about him, he longs to fulfill his role. Is Julius just not attracted to him? Or is there something deeper that Anton isn’t even aware of?

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Manga Review | My Bias Is A God!? by Fuyu Touji

Title: My Bias Is A God!?

Mamori is an idol superfan. His favorite group is Gods, a relatively new and temporary idol group. Despite their name, they aren’t Gods, but in Mamori’s world, Gods often live among humans, gathering worshipers in various ways, including the . But besides their superhuman abilities, such as and flying, Gods don’t look any different from regular humans. And though Gods are a normal way of life for Mamori, he’s happy that his favorite idol group is comprised of regular, hardworking humans, especially his bias, Kamui. Mamori loves seeing Kamui grow and become the ultimate idol, and he’s especially excited to see him perform in person.

But during the concert, out of nowhere, it seems like Kamui talks to him and only him (despite being on stage in front of thousands of people). Kamui calls Mamori his ‘vessel,’ which Mamori doesn’t understand. Casting this off as a weird moment, Mamori is ready to go home after the concert, only to be approached by security and swept away to none other than Kamui’s home. As it turns out, Kamui is, in fact, a God, and Mamori is his chosen vessel. What is a vessel, Mamori asks? It is the person who will literally give birth to a God’s divine messenger.

And the only way for it to happen is to do it the old-fashioned way. So, not only is Mamori heartbroken that his bias is actually a God, but he’s now confined away and forced to have his baby. All Mamori wanted was to be a fan. What does this mean for his future now?

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Manga Review | Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life by Yuki Mizuta

Title: Dangerous Drugs of Sex Re:Life

Ryuji’s and Makoto’s relationship didn’t start like your average one; even now, they aren’t a regular couple. Though Makoto has come to accept their irregular beginnings, Ryuji can’t seem to shake his guilt, shame, and insecurities from that time and even long before. Still, Makoto does his best to shower Ryuji with love, and Ryuji, in turn, does his best to keep Makoto thoroughly satisfied in the bedroom. But once Makoto starts working more heavily at his new job, the tenuous happiness they’ve crafted for themselves begins to fray.

Ryuji fears losing the one thing that means anything in his life: Makoto. When they met, Makoto was confined and totally reliant on Ryuji for pleasure, sustenance, and happiness. But now, Makoto has a job that he loves, friends that Ryuji doesn’t know, and doesn’t need Ryuji to feel fulfilled. And though Ryuji has his own career and life outside of Makoto, he doesn’t feel he deserves to love, be loved, or experience pleasure in any form or fashion, instead devoting all of his efforts to pleasing and keeping Makoto happy. But if Makoto doesn’t need him anymore, what does Ryuji have left?

Meanwhile, Makoto only wants to know more about Ryuji, but Ryuji has an insurmountable wall around him. However, one of Makoto’s new coworkers happens to have known Ryuji when they were children. What will Makoto learn about his distant lover?

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